Monday, February 1, 2010

A fun weekend working on solar power

I enjoyed myself yesterday, I worked on my solar panels and tried hard to get more juice from those panels. I know for a fact I have at least four panels doing a darn good job charging batteries. but I have others that well lets say I need to redirect their efforts. Solar is fun, fascinating and sometimes disappointing. When the sun is not shining well the juice does not quite satisfy your needs. Big point..know what you want to run and how much juice it will need then put together your systems accordingly. I am going to double up my solar panels and see how much more charging I can get. I will keep you posted. I also have some dead batteries on my barn application that I will have to replace. I am thinking more and more about 12 volt systems for lighting and fans instead of inverter driven 110 hungry systems. Just my thoughts. Till next post.


An interesting solar water heater article