Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Power went out and solar to the partial rescue

We had a two hour power outage the other day and my battery back up and lighting system worked great for over two hours.

Monday, March 25, 2013

7 inches plus of snow on the ground but barn solar still working

Today we have drifting and blowing but my solar panel on the barn is not covered with snow so I was able to go into the barn today let out my big 2000 pound horse and listen to the sports on my solar/inverter system. 
I also checked my small wind generator which has been whirling in the wind and my two batteries AA were totally charged. I will put two more on it later today. One thing in Kansas we have a lot of wind.

Until next time


Monday, March 18, 2013

More solar fun

I am charging a big solid gel cel battery and it is going quite well. I soon will hook it up to a load and see how it does.

I continue to use my solar radio in the barn it works great.

I am going to get that solar wate rpump soon and test it out.

Ok anyone needing some consulting help let me know!

Friday, March 15, 2013

As spring comes to KC

Well winter has been a bit rough here in KC but as it gets a bit easier to work out in my barn, I am going to add a new battery and a bigger solar panel a 1 amp job I bought form Plastecs Solar.  Great company by the way.  I am going to put in a new cabinet to hold my inverters and such and then rewire a bit and then an all solar barn once again.

Another thing I am going to buy and that can be bought form Green Time USA  is a solar water pump.  With last years drought I want to be a bit better prepared to drink from the latest ponds to water my pasture and my horse. I will keep you posted.

I think I will also buy a solar outdoor spot light also bought or will be bought form Green Time USA.

Well enough for now.  Have a great weekend.,

Joe R

solar calculator

This seems like a really neat program to have if you wish to calculate your home energy usage.  If you want to go solar look at this: http://www.raymaps.com/index.php/solar-calculator/?goback=.gde_96493_member_219110654

Today I hooked up a 1 amp solar panel to a 75 amp hour battery and a small controller.  So far all is going well. I will keep you posted.  I will tell yu that that battery weighs a ton :):)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Playing again

Well as spring approaches I have been out in my barn experimenting with my solar set up. I find that I have a soft battery so I will have to replace it soon. I am able to play my radio as I clean the barn. I will work to get all the lights going again on the barn and more.  More to come.
