Monday, August 30, 2010

more work on solar savior project

Once again yesterday was a fun day, I played ham radio and solar electric projects. I worked by the light of my 500 watt inverter being fed by a 10 watt panel. I have wired my entire basement so I can turn them all on for hours if need be. I use a marine battery, a controller and a 500 watt inverter and walla, my lights work. I can easily fire up a small soldering iron too.

I am rebuilding a small emergency kit I made with a 160 watt modified sine wave inverter, a 7 amp hour battery, a controller and a small 200 ma 5 watt solar panel. I should have the project up and running again in a day or so. If you want to learn more about how to do this I can teach you or guide you for my rate of $25.00/half hour. I am very generous with my time :)

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