Thursday, August 26, 2010

A neat article

I believe in having a back up solar/wind energy system to start. A back up system is far less costly and will work very well in a pinch.

Joe Rossini

Residential vertical wind turbines and solar panels for the home – Federal tax incentives for clean renewable solar power from energy star tax credit

There is a growing trend in American that involves the use of clean renewable energy. Americans are becoming more energy independent as they install solar and wind power systems in their homes
. The energy star tax credit provides some incredible tax incentives for homeowners
interested in installing a system in their home.

When it comes to choosing a renewable energy system, two of the most popular choices are solar and wind power. By taking advantage of our natural clean energy resources, you can save on both your taxes and electric bill. Choosing a system is a matter of personal preference; however, it is always a good idea to take a look at what is abundant in your area. If you live in a sunny part of the country such as the sate of California, you may want to consider solar power.

Once you have decided on the type of system you would like to install, the next step is to determine how much energy you would like to produce. In general, the more energy you would like to produce, the more you should expect to pay. A great way to get an idea of you energy needs is to examine your previous electric bills. Take a look at your highs and average to get an idea of how much you should produce.

Use this number when shopping around for a solar or wind power system. For most, a system that supplies 100% of the homes electricity is not affordable. Many choose to only supplement their home power with a clean energy system.

Author: Greg Jackson

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